My first post on using Razor SSG

My first post on using Razor SSG Background
3 min read

Changes required to host our personal / organization site on GitHub Pages successfully

Razor SSG is a new free, powerful .NET project template provided by ServiceStack from their blog post here. From the past, static site rendering (SSG) has limited free options available, some may heard of Statiq Framework but it has learning curve. I was using Nuxt.js, it was awesome and easy to learn to be honest. However my ultimate goal, is to do as much as I can using the few stack as possible. Luckily I found this fantastic, work out of box template from ServiceStack.

1. Fix the GitHub Action

In build.yml:

echo "ssg_base_href=$(echo https://$$repo_name/)" 
echo "ssg_base_href=$(echo https://$$repo_name/)" >> $GITHUB_ENV

These lines need replace as

echo "ssg_base_href=$(echo https://$" 
echo "ssg_base_href=$(echo https://$" >> $GITHUB_ENV

This is because organization and personal website has special url pattern https://$, instead of project page url pattern https://$$repo_name/

2. Fix runtime Chrome error caused by loading CreatorKit

2.1 Remove code from Footer.cshtml

When page load, it will attempt to load CreatorKit, since we are not using CreatorKit thus have to remove / comment out this code at the bottom of Footer.cshtml as the TODO comment suggest, otherwise browser will throwing errors in console log

@* <script type="module">
//TODO: Replace with local and production URLs of CreatorKit .NET App or Remove if not using CreatorKit
@{ var components = HostContext.DebugMode ? "https://localhost:5001/mjs/components" : ""; }
import { mail } from '@components/mail.mjs'
import { post } from '@components/post.mjs'

mail('[data-mail]', { 
    mailingLists: ['MonthlyNewsletter'] 

post('[data-post]', {
    commentLink: { 
        href: '/community-rules',
        label: 'read the community rules'
</script> *@

Browser Errors

:5002/:331 GET https://localhost:5001/mjs/components/mail.mjs net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
:5002/:332 GET https://localhost:5001/mjs/components/post.mjs net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

2.2. Remove code from app.mjs

Have to remove the following code at the bottom of app.mjs as we are not using CreatorKit. Browser will throw error otherwise.

export function init(exports) {
    // if (AppData.init) return
    // client = JsonApiClient.create('')
    // const { loadMetadata } = useMetadata()
    // loadMetadata({
    //     olderThan: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, //1day
    //     resolvePath: ``
    // })
    // AppData = reactive(AppData)
    // AppData.init = true
    // mountAll()

    // if (exports) {
    //     exports.client = client
    //     exports.Apps = Apps
    // }

Browser Errors

app.mjs:59 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading '__vue_app__')
    at alreadyMounted (app.mjs:59:33)
    at mount (app.mjs:70:9)
    at (index):201:1

3. Fix the /posts endpoint