The steps I used to create a unit-testing environment for testing my Leetcode Python code from scratch

Summary of testing Python code

I have a habit to do leetcode questions sequentially. Last week I encountered 14 questions in a row about Pandas, which I think worth to do a little recap to enhance my memory. When I was learning Machine Learning 7-8 years ago. (The famous course on Coursera by Andrew Ng.) I was using Octave and then didn’t touch Python / Pandas for a long time as I am a full-stack .NET guy. Before I can start solving those questions. I have to setup the testing environment to verify my code. It is always good to document how do I setup such a Python unit-testing environment from scratch. This is more easier to use than I was expected, except some discrepancy during Python setup.

Setup Python

  1. Check if Python installed:
python3 --version

If not:

brew install python3
  1. Create virtual environment, isolated environment with a standalone python installation with pip installed in root directory:
python3 -m venv .
  1. Activate the virtual environment:
source bin/activate
  1. Install pytest:
python3 -m pip install pytest
  1. Deactivate the virtual environment (In case needed)

Setup Python unit-testing

There are two major unit testing framework in Python:

  • unittest
  • pytest

pytest vs unittest

InstallationThird-party (pip install pytest)Built-in (part of standard library)
Test StructureFunction-basedClass-based
Boilerplate CodeLessMore
AssertionsSimple assert statementsMethods like self.assertEqual
Advanced FeaturesFixtures, parameterized testing, pluginsLimited
Test DiscoveryAutomaticRequires unittest discovery

I choose pytest as it work in a modern way.

To use pytest:

pip install pytest

To run test for a file


To get output from print()

pytest -s

Run all tests in a folder


Test files must either start with test_ or end with

And you are all done:

% pytest
===== test session starts =====
platform darwin -- Python 3.13.1, pytest-8.3.4, pluggy-1.5.0
rootdir: /Users/ferrywlto/Documents/GitHub/Personal/kata-dojo/python/leetcode
collected 15 items                                                                                        

easy/  [  6%]
easy/       [ 13%]
easy/    [ 20%]
easy/                 [ 26%]
easy/           [ 33%]
easy/         [ 40%]
easy/           [ 46%]
easy/              [ 53%]
easy/               [ 60%]
easy/            [ 66%]
easy/           [ 73%]
easy/    [ 80%]
easy/          [ 86%]
easy/           [ 93%]
easy/             [100%]

===== 15 passed in 0.53s =====

Some Python basics

# Defining a function
def function_name(param_name: param_type) -> return_type:
    # code

# Comparing a tuple
assert (10, 5) == (rows, cols)

# Print something